

How Can Shield Your Peepers from Sunburn While Snowboarding?

Many people ask about sun protection that they should use while skiing or snowboarding. Its simple answer is yes, because contrary to the famous myth that sunburn is not merely associated with summer. 

When we think about winter, then warm sunshine and UV rays are still the cause of sunburn. So, wear Wiley X SG-1 for eye protection. Unprotected skin can be attacked by cancer wrinkles, sunspot, cancer, pigmentation, and even premature aging.

So, before going on your nest skiing trip, make sure that you have sufficient winter gear for the outdoor. Don’t forget about the shielding of your peepers because snow is very dangerous for your eyes. 

Therefore, you need essential protection for eyes and skin. Particularly, when you are passing through snow-covered mountains. Here are the following tips through which you can shield your peepers.

Use Goggles:

Goggles are specially designed to get a snug fit around ski helmet, which makes it impossible to fall while any activity. When you travel to downhill, the wind can quickly dry out your eyes and bring irritation. 

So, goggles are the only solution that protects your eyes from coming wind and debris on the slopes. For example, if you met an accident on ice mountains, your goggles will protect your eyes from any injury.

Don’t Forget to Bring Sunglasses:

A cloudy day, snow, and sun are equally harmful to your eyes. So, if you are searching for a snug and comfortable fit, go with the Wiley X SG-1 glasses because they give perfect safety to eyes. 

Sunglasses have a specialty to protect your peepers from glare and sunlight that can damage your eyes and affect your vision as well. Moreover, they help to protect your eyes from flying debris that can enter into your eyes. 

But if you prefer to wear goggles while skiing, you still keep a pair of sunglasses with you. Sunglasses will work better when you will walk around the slops because you will be comfortable with sunny shades as well. If you are not convinced to wear sunglasses, you must get important information about them.

Secure Your Sunglasses:

Whether you are going with prescription sunglasses or eyeglasses, you must take some measures. For example, you are traveling at high speed, so it is essential to ensure that your sunny specs have a perfect grip on your face. 

You can buy a retainer strap because it will ensure you that your sunglasses will remain in one place of your face. But in case of losing grip, they will hang with closet your neck and will safe from lost while running with high speed. If you lost them, an accident can occur and your eyes can damage without eyeglasses.

So, if you are planning for a mountain trip, make sure that you have to pack your all winter gear including your safety glasses as well. The sunglasses should block 100% UVA/UVB rays that can get in a variety of shades according to your requirements.

Final Thought:

Your skin and surrounding skin of your eyes are susceptible while skiing and snowboarding. A good quality Sunny shades can block harmful rays at 99 to 100%. On the other hand, sunny wear prevents your eyes from ultraviolet rays because rays can lead to cataract and photokeratitis. 

It would be better to go and grab a wraparound spec rather than typical shape sunglasses. Ultraviolet rays reflect off of any ground surface that can reach on eye area from any angle.

So, enjoy winter sports with real-time UV protective from the exact location. If you love your skin and eyes, protect them with the real-time safety gear that could defend all harmful rays.

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